As a marketplace that promotes interpersonal connection, both online and offline, we are deeply saddened to see the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis span the globe. Our hearts go out to all of those who have lost loved ones or fallen on hard times as a consequence of this concerning and rapidly-changing situation.
In order to adapt to the challenging times both behind us and ahead, and provide the best possible support to our employees and the OfferUp Community, we’ve changed a few things about our business and have some suggestions for buyers, sellers, and shippers with our best tips for navigating online marketplaces in the days to come.
The trust and safety of our community is our number one priority. Certain medical and healthcare items are not allowed for sale on OfferUp, including listings that claim the item can diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent a disease or virus, or any items that claim to be CDC or WHO approved.
We will continue to remove items that violate our prohibited items guidelines and monitor for price spikes and items with false claims through a mix of automated and manual review.
Posts that violate any of our guidelines, policies, or terms may be removed at our discretion. Additional actions including account suspension may be taken for severe or repeat offenses.
We will continue to monitor this situation and we will provide updates on this blog to communicate any changes to the OfferUp platform or our policies in response to COVID-19. Please click here to read more about how we are supporting our paying Autos Dealers as they adjust to the difficult economic times ahead.
Our Employees
Out of an abundance of caution and in line with local and Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines, our employees are working from home until further notice.

Our team is contributing to the broader conversation on best practices to support remote work, so keep an eye on the Life at OfferUp Instagram for some of the creative solutions they have come up with to make their work-life work better at home.
Our Buyers and Sellers
These are unprecedented times, and many are changing their daily routines in order to adapt. Some community members have started doing “no-contact porch pickups”, and others have shifted their sales entirely from in-person pick up to shipping. Here’s how to activate shipping for your existing items:
“Turn On” Shipping For Posted Items
If any of your items are shippable (learn more about OfferUp Shipping Policies), you can easily edit those items so they show as shippable to OfferUp buyers. This will help you reach new buyers, and remain in compliance with any stay-at-home orders in your area.
You can easily “turn on” shipping for any items you have already posted. Here’s how:
Go to the Selling Tab under “My Offers”
Tap the item you’d like to enable for shipping
Tap “Edit”
Go to “Delivery Method” and tap the button next to “Sell & ship nationwide”
Tap “Save” and that’s it! Your item will now appear as shippable nationwide.
Our Community
OfferUp has always been local first, and we want to support our local communities in this challenging time. OfferUp was created in Seattle and we have been welcomed with open arms in our second home in Miami. As a commitment to our home locations, we’re pledging to give back and help some of those hit hardest by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic:
We’ve donated to The Plate Fund in Seattle — an organization that provides one-time $500 payments to furloughed restaurant workers.
Donations were also sent to Frontline Foods in Miami — an organization that works with local restaurants to provide meals to medical workers on the front lines of the pandemic
For our auto dealer community, we’ve updated our billing rates for Verified Dealers. Click here to learn more about how we’re supporting our autos customers.
To help with ongoing support, our Customer Support team is standing by to continue to provide assistance to OfferUp buyers and sellers across the nation. You can reach our Support team for help seven days a week on the Help Center, Facebook, or Twitter.
We will continue to look for ways to empower our community to connect and prosper. Thank you for being a part of the OfferUp Community.
Sharing Responses to the OfferUp Community’s Most Frequently Asked Questions Related to Coronavirus
Should We Be Meeting Up In-Person?
We know that many OfferUp buyers and sellers continue to complete in-person meetups during this time. In accordance with current CDC guidelines, we recommend keeping the following tips in mind before scheduling a meetup:
Stay home if you don’t feel well, and do not meet up if you or someone in your household displays symptoms of coronavirus or other respiratory illnesses.
Maintain a distance of at least six feet at all times.
The CDC recommends wearing a cloth face mask when in a public place where it’s difficult to maintain social distancing, such as grocery stores. You can purchase these on OfferUp.
Wash your hands before and after completing a meetup, and avoid touching your face (eyes, mouth, and nose).
Meet at a Community MeetUp Spot or SafeTradeSpot and avoid meeting at others’ homes wherever possible.
We appreciate our community doing their part to slow the spread of the coronavirus.
What is A “No-Contact Porch Pickup”?
To avoid more than one party leaving their home to complete an OfferUp transaction, and reduce direct contact with others, many online marketplace buyers and sellers are opting for “No-Contact Porch Pickups”. This means the seller provides a buyer with their address and leaves the item on their porch. The buyer will then come, leave cash in a predetermined location, or use a digital money transfer service like (PayPal or Venmo), and take the item home.
Per our safety guidelines, we recommend meeting at a Community MeetUp Spot, or in a public, surveilled, and brightly-lit location whenever possible.
If you feel comfortable completing a porch pickup, here are a few things to consider:
Take a look at the buyer or seller’s profile. Are they verified and from past meetups? Always look at the other party’s OfferUp profile before completing a meetup.
Trust your gut. If something seems “too good to be true” it most likely is. Even in these difficult times, no item or sale is ever worth your safety.
Consider getting a doorbel camera. This is an easy way to keep an eye on your porch pickup without having to make direct contact.
Set a window during the day when the item will be available to the buyer. Always aim to complete online marketplaces during the day, either in-person or with “no-contact porch pickups.”
You can read our tips to more safely use online marketplaces here.
How Do I Ship Items From Home?
The USPS is an essential service and will remain open during the COVID-19 pandemic, though shipping times may be delayed and hours of operations may be reduced.
OfferUp shippers have the option to visit their local USPS office to pick up shipping supplies or drop off packages that are ready to be shipped.
The USPS also carries free shipping supplies they can send to your home, as well as scheduled pickups so you can get your OfferUp items shipped without leaving your home. To schedule a USPS pickup, click here.
If you need help with a shipping transaction, contact OfferUp Support.
What Are Some Popular Items to Buy or Sell on OfferUp?
Demand for items from the following categories has been growing in popularity during this time:
Should I Disinfect Items Before Selling/After Buying?
According to the CDC, the Coronavirus is transmitted in close contact (less than six feet) through respiratory droplets. Cleaning as well as disinfecting visibly dirty or frequently touched surfaces/devices is considered a best practice to help prevent the transmission of COVID-19 and other viral respiratory illnesses.
While OfferUp sellers should avoid listing items as “Coronavirus-free” or “COVID-19-proof,” it is a good idea to share any increased cleaning/disinfecting steps you have taken to clean items for potential buyers.
Here are some popular items for sale that should be cleaned and disinfected before selling and after buying when using online marketplaces, per CDC recommendation:
Hard-backed chairs
Doorknobs and handles
Light switches
Tablets, phones, e-readers, any touch-screens
Remote controls
Toys, and all kids’ items
Board games
Video games and consoles